Created by OnePlusYou

Apr 2, 2010

I broke my fib on January 20th and had surgery on the 28th...I have been in a cast since the post surgical visit and was in a splint before that. I've been NWB the entire time. So, it's been 10 weeks.

Next Friday I'm losing my two Syndesmosis screws, the remaining plate and 8 screws will stay. I'm not sure for how long. My OS plans to put me under for the procedure. I'll then be put in a splint for a bit and my next "step" will be a walking/cam/darth boot.

I have been dreaming about washing my leg...letting it sit in warm water...of being able to see it...of letting it sit in the sun...isn't that all silly?? so simple...but, man, just the thought of these things get me really happy and excited. I simply cannot *wait* to get this cast off and have the ability to wear something that can be removed for bathing, etc.AND the idea of being able to take a step again...or maybe drive...or CARRY something while i'm moving sounds so wonderful! even going into work sounds nice(i'll just say nice).

who knew that this would take so long?? at least the initial NWB healing part. When I 1st went to the ER the night i slipped in the stupid untreated/salted/sanded slippery parking lot, the doctor said 6-8 weeks, tops and no surgery.

Well, clearly, the OS had a different opinion.

one week, one week, one week!!!


  1. I have had several dream of exercising...going to the gym thinking no one will notice as I try to exercise with my cast or boot on. Get a tub of water ready for your leg skin -- you will be amazed!!! - freshie

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