Created by OnePlusYou

Feb 24, 2010

Still here!

Hi Friends,

I'm still here! I just haven't felt particularly inspired to vlog/blog.

We haven't broken-up, promise!

Feb 15, 2010


Well, I went to a store and then out to dinner tonight. It was my second non-doctor related adventure out of the house in about a month. Folks were really nice in the store. I had several conversations with other people who were in chairs or on the ridey cycle things(I was in my chair). I got some icy hot for my back. I'm hoping that helps me a bunch.
We looked for a step aerobic set-up for practice. They were $30, so we figured we'd wait and ask at the local university (I used to work there and my partner still does) to see if we could borrow one from the gym/fitness center.I really want to work on my hopping. I almost fell trying to get into the house tonight. I ended up on my ass, dragging myself up again. I've realized that the stairs are at different heights, as the driveway is not level. So whenever I jump, I fall backward, or off to the side. We also only have a railing on one side, which happens to be the side that is the highest :/
The highlight of the evening was when we went out to dinner. We found that all handicap spots were taken, including the one right in front of the door and only ramp. The car was parked backwards and was running. There were two tiny dogs inside and not a single indication that the driver or anyone who may be using the car had any sort of limited mobility (read, no plates, no placard, no signs or notes).
I let the folks at the door know about the offending car(s, dropped me off and I crutched in by myself). They were unable to identify who it belonged to. We were sat by the window, so I saw the very clearly able-bodied person leave after about 30/40 minutes(after finishing her dinner), and drive away. I was happy when a car with a valid plate parked in it only moments later, even though that meant S wouldn't be able to move the car closer when we left. I crutched, and survived. It was tiring, but it also felt good.
I posted a status message on my facebook, and one of my friends posted this link: it's only good in the states, I believe. You can get an ap for your iphone...feel free to check it out. Slightly problematic, as sometimes disabilities are less visible, but it encourages folks to report on non-handicapped identified cars as well as ones that may be fraudulent. It was super easy for me to get my placard. I just asked my doc for a note, which we promptly brought to the BMV to receive the sign.
Oh yea, tonight we gave Wilson life.

Feb 12, 2010

I'm not pleased...

that I had to fix my own cast. Mole skin and black duct tape. Yay attentive american
doctors with excelllent training. I am so not happy that this happened at all :( 3 weeks of my life, so far, cut out. the left side of my body is getting the message- it has to pick up the slack for my right side. I'm pretty sure I've already had some muscle atrophy, or loss. I wish I could just walk to the door to get the mail...or to the store to get a cup of coffee...or that going to the rest room wasn't a 20 minute adventure. Stupid icy parking lots.

Google OptOut, take that privacy!

Thanks JJ: GoogleOptOut

Crutch Muffins????

Who would not *love* to crutch along on a yummy baked goods??

props to folks on for finding this jem.

My cast sucks.

So, the doctor actually talked to me on the phone instead of seeing me. She assured me that she made it loose where it is, intentionally.

Well, this morning I had to have a friend go and get moleskin for the part that hits the back of my knee when it's bent...because the padding is all gone and the fiberglass is starting to dig into my skin.

Other folks out there w/ casts, when you got yours did they:
-Wash your leg(didn't wash mine)?
-Use a socktype thingy before applying the cotton(nope again for me)
-Have rounded edges (nope, nice and sharp!)

Feb 11, 2010

Cast Update

Well, she's too loose, my friends.

I am going to the doctor today to get re-casted. I'm able to fit my entire fist into the top of the cast when the leg is elevated and up to the palm when it's hanging down or I'm crutching. This is bad news bears for a broken leg. It could mean a malunion(healed the wrong way) in the long run...or even the need to REBREAK(aaaaaa) the limb inorder to reset(aaaaa).

I'll let you know how it goes.

I'm going to push for blue again. Though I think they were running low :/

Feb 10, 2010

It's your civic duty to vote.

I need your help!

People of the world(we have folks reading in from all over the States, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, England so far!) I need your help!

What should I name my cast?

We'll be living together over the next several weeks. It seems only fitting that it should have a name. It will make vloging and blogging more easy...AND it will allow me to further anthropomorphize a human made thingy attached to my body(And we all know I love doing that).

The poll will be open from now until Saturday at the top of the page. Vote, and vote often. If you don't like the options, never fear, add one to the comments area. If I like it, I may add it to the poll!

Cheers and be safe on that damn ice.

Feb 9, 2010

Cast Adventure.

Stairs are now my enemy. I only have 5 steps to get into my first floor apartment, but they totally kick my ass. Both ways. Basically, I stand, staring at them for...3-5 minutes, while getting words of encouragement from my partner/parents/friends. I think about jumping-good go up, bad go down. Then I get nervous. I make someone hold one crutch...then the other. Maybe I'll ask for one back, or both. Then I maybe hop to the railing...or slink back to the car. Maybe I push away the crutches again...and then decide to crawl up, or down the steps. I pull myself up, or slide down the stairs. I then use a chair to claw my way back up to the height needed to actually get back on my foot and use the crutches to hobble to my next location. It's awesome. I'm so brave. By the time I get into the car(if I'm going down the stairs) I'm sooooo exhausted, and my leg/foot/ankle is sooooo pissed off at me. It becomes ThrobbyMcThroberson, taunting me to lay back down....enticing me to take more pain meds. Bastard leg.

after some xrays, i was wheeled to the casting room. I stayed in my chair. the doctor met me after a few moments. She explained that she wished to put me in a hard cast and why. I understood, thus we were in agreement, so onward to staple removal and casting we went.

Here they are, in all of their glory. 29-30 staples. I had been feeling like an Office Depot. It felt really good to get these suckers out of my skin. It hurt like hell. The doctor used tweezers to pluck them out, one by one. They oozed with blood. She covered the incision with tape as she worked.

The doctor wrapped my incision in a new dressing, layered my leg with fresh cotton and then started the process of wrapping my leg w/ the casting. She dipped each piece in water w/ fiberglass somethin' and pressed it to my leg.

As she wrapped the layers, I felt the cast heat up, as the fiberglass activated(like some sort of radioactive super hero). Before it dried, the doctor forced my foot into a 90 degree angle. She told me that it would help me when I started walking again. My ankle would be less stiff, easier to bend. I was left with a rather thick, but lighter than my previous splint, cast. Patriot blue. We'll be spending at least the next 4 weeks together. I know we'll be great friends.

Ms. Joanna Testa was the first to sign it.

Vlog 11: Castaway

I'm vlogalicious today.

a picture post is coming :)

YAy! It's Post-Op Day!

oh, oh, oh- and staples come out today!!!!!

Feb 7, 2010

There is a lot of common sense in cast care...

Cast Care

Dear S:

I am so sorry that, again, I will be unable to laundry for months.

I owe you.



SuperBowl Vlog: Go Saints

Don't forget, the Gulf Coast still needs our support:

Feb 6, 2010

"I'm goin' hoooommmmee"-rhps style

I'm super excited to be returning home tomorrow! Watch me say that in different ways, over and over w/ bad lighting for 4 minutes ;)

Feb 5, 2010

advil can prevent bone growth

Effects of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs on Bone Formation and Soft-Tissue Healing

Feb 4, 2010

my hair

i keep my hair rather short...and sort of flip it up at the end near my forehead. I haven't used product for 2 week, and I had a shower 2 days ago. I haven't been sleeping on my face or side(just on my back) and have only worn a hat 1 time since the showa...check out my "do". My hair SOOOOOO wants to get back to normal!


I'd really love to have this leg thing over. Let's get the cast on. Let's just go. I just zoomed in on a photo of my leg when the OS was rewrapping it...I counted 30 staples. I'm like a swingline.

Anna Moved to Blogspot

won't play for you?
watch it here:

Feb 3, 2010

"it's totes not my fault, like 4 realz"

So, folks know that basically, I can't feel my right foot. Right? well, now you know.

It's not swollen, but it's numb...all along the top and sides. My OS saw me yesterday to rewrap the post surgical splint/xray/take a look. She wanted to make sure the stuff wasn't too tight(It wasn't). She strongly felt that this had to do w/ my back. And, after all of the crazy stuff my back did, I was certainly willing to consider that. She made it very clear that she had been "no where near any nerves that could result in what I'm describing"-she said she'd send her notes to my back doc. I have my actual post op w/ her next Tuesday.

I called and left a message w/ my back surgeon. They promptly called back 1st thing this morning. The doctor had reviewed the MRI done on the 27th(a day pre-op) and said that he saw "nothing that would contribute to what i was describing". His nurse expressed that the logical conclusion to "my foot wasn't numb, then i had surgery on my leg. Annnnnd now it is" would be: something  happened during the surgery. Or that the hardware was compressing a nerve (if you've seen my xray- basically, my right fibula is almost all metal now-look at the top of the page). She recommended that I, again, talk to the leg doc.

So, I, being the "Type A when it comes into question if I'm going to be able to walk again" personally that I (apparently) am,  called the leg doc and left a message. She called back and AGAIN asserted that she really didn't think she did anything to my nerves and that it make perfect sense that my back is back in play or I'm swollen. We agreed to wait until next Tuesday. If my foot is still numb, "we're" going to order an EMG. Well, at least she calls me.

So, yep. I'm going to stop talking about my numb foot until tuesday. Unless, it stops....or something terrible happens. Then you won't be able to shut me up :)

a new approach to encouraging inclusive hiring practices...?

ny times

Feb 2, 2010

Link to photos from my awesome leg!

Vlog 7: Broke Back Butch

Won't Play ?
Check it out here, too:

Vlog 6: BrokeButch-Anna is ouchie

not working?
Check it out here:

Vlog 5: BrokeButch-Post Op Eve

Not playing?
Check it out here:

Vlog 4: The Night B4 Surgery & All Through the House

can't see it?
check it out here:

Vlog 3: BrokeButch-sirshopalot

not playin'?
Check it out here:

Vlog 2: BrokeButch:OrthoVisitNews

not playing?
watch it here:

Vlog 1: broke butch

Please enjoy my first vlog post :)

not playin'?
check it out here:

Virgin Entry

Well, I've decided to take the plunge and create a blog.

How exciting.

This will be a place for me to vent about my struggle with my body and its internal frame. Frankly, I am starting to think my bones and soft-tissue have it in for me.

I’ve kinda done something like this before. I actively used LiveJournal for many years-I covered many varied topics: love, school, money, my job, etc. I eventually found it pretty tedious to update. And found my own writing pretty drab. Now, I’m not saying that I will not eventually feel similarly about this blog; and while I struggle with my clear admission of narcissism and self-importance, (as I feel is evidenced by the mere creation of a space like this)- I really think need it. This blog, I mean.

Consolidating all of my wacky media (vlogs, pictures, links to research and resources) about my back and leg break to one primary location will allow you, precious reader, to get your unadulterated broke Anna fix, much faster. Think of this blog as... Anna espresso. If you dig the drip Anna (ok, that even creeped me out a little), feel free to continue keep track of my journey as/if you have done so previously. But if you NEED Anna fast, all at once...add this to your favorites/bookmarks.

It's really all the same story...just depends on how hard *you'd* like to work to make sure you keep track of all the important pieces. And I *know* you want to know all about this Bored, Broke Butch.

Oh yeah, I learned to write in Maine in the 80’s. I’m really bad with grammar and spelling. AND I may be on a doctor prescribed prescription that could make me fuzzy at the time of entry conception. I’ll spell-check, but I’m not going to stay up all night editing. I’ll make mistakes and you will see them. If you can’t stand that, it might be a good idea to look for another bored, broke butch blog to read.

well. let's do it, my friends.