Created by OnePlusYou

Feb 14, 2010

Happy Vday!


  1. Dear someone in my life with a broken leg, I love you!!! Happy valentines day!!!

    Hey did you know that you can sign up for google notifications?! It scans the web for mentions of your site and emails you when it finds something so if your site shows up on some donkey fetish site you'd know. Just thought you'd like that info based on the recent events oh and it's FREE!-Phil

  2. Dear friend of someone with a broken leg, I also love you :) !! Happy Vday to you and jackie!!

    How do you sign up for that?? I just googled it, and didn't turn up w/ much.

  3. I don't know how much more of you and Sarah's being ridiculously sweet I can take. It makes my heart too melty, and I need my heart!

  4. Kate, I am 100% sure there are people out there who would totally fetishize a chick w/ no heart!
