Created by OnePlusYou

Feb 15, 2010


Well, I went to a store and then out to dinner tonight. It was my second non-doctor related adventure out of the house in about a month. Folks were really nice in the store. I had several conversations with other people who were in chairs or on the ridey cycle things(I was in my chair). I got some icy hot for my back. I'm hoping that helps me a bunch.
We looked for a step aerobic set-up for practice. They were $30, so we figured we'd wait and ask at the local university (I used to work there and my partner still does) to see if we could borrow one from the gym/fitness center.I really want to work on my hopping. I almost fell trying to get into the house tonight. I ended up on my ass, dragging myself up again. I've realized that the stairs are at different heights, as the driveway is not level. So whenever I jump, I fall backward, or off to the side. We also only have a railing on one side, which happens to be the side that is the highest :/
The highlight of the evening was when we went out to dinner. We found that all handicap spots were taken, including the one right in front of the door and only ramp. The car was parked backwards and was running. There were two tiny dogs inside and not a single indication that the driver or anyone who may be using the car had any sort of limited mobility (read, no plates, no placard, no signs or notes).
I let the folks at the door know about the offending car(s, dropped me off and I crutched in by myself). They were unable to identify who it belonged to. We were sat by the window, so I saw the very clearly able-bodied person leave after about 30/40 minutes(after finishing her dinner), and drive away. I was happy when a car with a valid plate parked in it only moments later, even though that meant S wouldn't be able to move the car closer when we left. I crutched, and survived. It was tiring, but it also felt good.
I posted a status message on my facebook, and one of my friends posted this link: it's only good in the states, I believe. You can get an ap for your iphone...feel free to check it out. Slightly problematic, as sometimes disabilities are less visible, but it encourages folks to report on non-handicapped identified cars as well as ones that may be fraudulent. It was super easy for me to get my placard. I just asked my doc for a note, which we promptly brought to the BMV to receive the sign.
Oh yea, tonight we gave Wilson life.

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